UKirk Ole Miss Reading List
"Introduction to the Reformed Tradition: A Way of BEing the Christian Community"
John Leith was a well-known and Presbyterian pastor and a professor of theology at Union Presbyterian Seminary. If you're interested in getting into the nuts and bolts of what it means to be Presbyterian and what the Reformed tradition is all about, this book is a great introduction.
"Faith Seeking Understanding"
If you're interested in looking at theology from a more academic perspective, this book serves a great college-level introduction to Christian theology. Daniel Migliore is a Presbyterian and a retired professor at Princeton Theological Seminary.
"Christian Doctrine"
This easy, accessible book was written as a Sunday School level introduction to the big questions of reformed Christianity. Shirley Guthrie was a professor at Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta.
"BLue Like Jazz"
This funny, meaningful memoir of faith and spirituality tracks the experience of Don Miller, a young man searching for answers and faith as a young adult living in Portland, Oregon. Don spoke at the 2007 College Conference at Montreat.
"Making sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the power of scripture today"
Adam Hamilton is the lead Pastor at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, just outside of Kansas City, the largest United Methodist Church in the country. In this book, Hamilton delves into the many nuances and complications of understanding and interpreting the Bible with refreshing clarity.
"Girl Meets God"
In this memoir, Lauren Winner, a self-identified geeky episcopalian convert from Judaism, traces her faith journey and reflects on the many connections between her former and new faith. Lauren spoke at the 2013 College Conference at Montreat.
"Take this Bread: A radical Conversion"
An unlikely convert, Sara Miles came to faith in Christ when she walked into an Episcopal Church in San Francisco one day and was invited to celebrate communion. In this book, Sara reflects on the Christian meaning of breaking bread with others. Sara spoke at the 2012 College Conference at Montreat
"Traveling Mercies: Some thoughts on faith"
With delightful irreverence, Anne Lamott reflects on faith, doubt and devotion in this thoughtful memior.
"Wishful Thinking: A seekers ABC's"
Frederick Buechner is a celebrated author and Presbyterian pastor who has written numerous best selling books, but these three books are perhaps his simplest and most insightful.
Together these three books make up Buechner's "Lexical" series, where he playfully and entertainingly defines Biblical characters, theological terms, and other general churchy words. These books a great for a quick, thoughtful and fun introduction to the big figures and ideas of the Christian faith. |
"Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian faith"
Rob Bell is a pastor and teacher who founded Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In this book, Rob Bell explores the way the Christian faith has been reshaped and re-communicated throughout the centuries.
"Love Wins: A book about heaven, hell, and the fate of every person who ever lived"
This book caused controversy when it was first published in 2011. Nevertheless, it leads us to ask really important questions about our ultimate fate: what is heaven, what is hell, and who's going where?
"FArewell to Mars"
In this book pastor Brian Zahnd explains how the way of Jesus is the way of peace in forgiveness, mercy, and nonviolence. Brian Zahnd is the pastor of Word of Life Church just outside of St. Louis, Missouri.