Dinner begins at 6:00 PM
ALL TUESDAY NIGHT MEALS ARE FREE TO STUDENTS -- prepared by generous volunteers from local congregations. Dinner begins at 6:00 PM. Jesus and his disciples would eat meals together as part of worship, so we continue in that tradition by fellowshipping together around a table each week.
Worship With Communion begins at 6:30 PM
Each week, UKirk worships with communion starting at 6:30 PM. We worship in a relaxed but liturgical style--- couches and candles--- no experience necessary. Each week we hear and reflect on Scripture, celebrate communion by intinction, and observe a time of sharing our joys and concerns together in prayer. If you want a deeper understanding of why we worship the way we do, check out our Guide to Worship. We'll often stick around after worship and enjoy some fellowship time. Y'all come!
Worship is not about us. It's all about God. We come together as a community on Tuesday nights so that we might glorify God. We set aside time from the busy-ness of our lives so that God might re-focus and re-new us, so that we might glorify God in all that we do. We come together as a community to be blessed, so that we, as a community, might be a blessing to our campus and world.
THE UKIRK Building
Interested in Serving us a meal on TuESDAY nights? Click here to learn more! |