by Presbyterians, But Not Just For Presbyterians

UKirk of Ole Miss is a community of the Presbyterian Church (USA), but we're not all Presbyterians--- some of us are Baptist, Catholic, Episcopalian, and some of us aren't sure what we believe.
You don't need to be certain about anything to be a part of our community. Students of all faith backgrounds or convictions are invited and welcomed. But we believe, as all Christians do, that Jesus is both fully God and fully human. Therefore, we come together to look to Jesus, so that we might come to know who God is and about who we have been made to be.
You don't need to be certain about anything to be a part of our community. Students of all faith backgrounds or convictions are invited and welcomed. But we believe, as all Christians do, that Jesus is both fully God and fully human. Therefore, we come together to look to Jesus, so that we might come to know who God is and about who we have been made to be.
The word Presbyterian comes from a greek word, presbuteros, which means "elder" or "priest." You might say the word "Presbyterian" literally means "priest-ism." Presbyterians are marked by our belief in the priesthood of all believers. Presbyterians believe that faith in Jesus Christ is not something someone interprets for us, but rather something we figure out together.
Presbyterians come from the "Reformed" tradition of the Christian faith. Alongside the priesthood of all believers, some of the distinctive ideas to Reformed Christianity include: The authority of Scripture, the sovereignty of God, justification by grace alone, covenant community, and the celebration of two sacraments--- baptism and the Lord's Supper.
If you want a more detailed look at the theology of the Presbyterian Church (USA), you can check out the Book of Confessions. For a short read you might check out the PC(USA) Brief Statement of Faith.
Presbyterians come from the "Reformed" tradition of the Christian faith. Alongside the priesthood of all believers, some of the distinctive ideas to Reformed Christianity include: The authority of Scripture, the sovereignty of God, justification by grace alone, covenant community, and the celebration of two sacraments--- baptism and the Lord's Supper.
If you want a more detailed look at the theology of the Presbyterian Church (USA), you can check out the Book of Confessions. For a short read you might check out the PC(USA) Brief Statement of Faith.